Tippy {San Francisco Portait & Headshot Photographer}

I love shooting portraits. Not just any portraits but simple, for no reason portraits. Yes we need to document our family and our children but we also need to document ourselves. We are all beautiful at every stage of our lives and each stage should be photographed. We photograph our children at each stage of their growth, why should this be any different?

I have framed in my home portraits my mom had taken on a Los Angeles beach when she was in her 20’s. I LOVE those portraits. I love knowing what she looked like before I was a thought. I love looking at the images and wondering how similar or different we are, her at that age then and me at the same age now. I like to compare how we looked in our 20’s. So think of this as a gift to your children. I know these portraits of her are a gift to me. So stop worrying about how you look and get photographed. Document yourself because you will not be 20,30,40 forever. You will change and the only thing you will have to remember how you looked at that age is a photograph. The only way your children will know how you looked is a photograph. Yes there are every day snapshots but I mean give them the gift of beautiful professional portraits that show them just YOU. The beauty that is YOU. I promise when you get into your late age you will thank me, and so will your children and grandchildren…..

Seriously, how are modeling agents not knocking on her door?? She is gorgeous!

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